What kind of question are you trying to live with right now?



What if I’m just not sure anymore? What if I don’t believe? What is true, anyway? How can I know? Why should I care?



Can you help me with my weaknesses? What if I’m not where I want to be? How can I change?


Which way do I turn? How do I discern? What if I’m wrong? Which voice is wise? What choice should I make?



What if I’m not happy? How can I do things that feel good to me and yet are good for me?

Video Series

How to Live a Questioning Life.

In this series of short videos, Host Mark Ryan interviews Dick Keyes about Jesus and the wisdom skill of asking questions to help us better navigate our lives of doubt and faith with others and with God.


Are you a Ministry Leader?

Do you have an honest question or a troubling doubt and nowhere to safely grapple with them? We’d like to help if we can.